Thursday, February 21, 2008

Window95 Setup Switches

Setup Switches

There are several switches that can be used when running SETUP

SETUP Switches

There are several switches available to use along with SETUP.
Some are undocumented.
filename Runs the particular INF file
/ID Ignores the DIsk Space check
/IS Ignores the routine System check
/IQ Skips the test for cross-linked files
/IM Skips the memory check
/IN Runs setup without the Network Setup Module
/IW Bypasses needing to read the License screen.
Needs to be upper case when run within Windows
/IP Ignores Plug and Play
/IR By passes the checkin into the system CMOS. Useful for some combinations of motherboard and Award BIOS ver 4.50 P
/D If you do not want Setup to use your existing Windows configuration (such as your current Win.ini and System.ini files), use this switch.
/N Allows setup to run without a mouse
/NTLDR Eliminates check for previous operating system.
/P Detection Switch Option String - Using a /P allows you to use an additional switch for viewing and setting some detection parameters. You can separate them with a semicolon (;). For example /P g=3;i;p.
  • g=0 to 3 - This switch controls how verbose the built-in progress bar is. At maximum level (3), it shows all the resources of the detected devices along with the progress bar. This switch can help to identify which detection module causes a certain problem. The default is 0.
  • b - This switch enables Prompt Before mode. It prompts you before a detection module is called so that you can step through each detection module manually and decide if you want to skip it. The default is disabled.
  • i - This switch tells Setup not to report the existence of a Plug and Play BIOS. It is useful on systems that have a Plug and Play BIOS that is not reported in Machine.inf.
  • p - This switch enables performance logging. It writes performance timing information to the DETLOG.TXT file.The default is disabled.
  • f - This switch enables Clean Registry mode. It forces Detection to clean the root branch of the registry before starting. This switch is ignored when Setup is run in the Windows 95 graphical user interface (GUI). The default is disabled.

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