Thursday, February 21, 2008

Slipstream Service Packs into Office Installations

You can update the source files for Office with the Office Service Packs and Updates you need.

These can later be burned to a CD or copied to a network share for distribution.
It saves a lot of time not needing to manually apply all the service packs after installation.


There are basically three steps to slipstreaming a Service Pack into an Office Installation:

  1. Do an Office Administrative Install to a Hard Drive
  2. Download and Extract the Service Pack
  3. Apply the Service Pack to the Install

Administrative Install

  1. Create a directory on your hard drive where you want to do the install (e.g. C:\OFFICE)
  2. Do an administrative install of Office to a directory on your hard drive (x::setup.exe /a)
  3. You don't need to enter in the license at this point
  4. When prompted, place it in a C:\OFFICE directory
  5. Click on the Install Now button
  6. It will look like it is doing a regular install but the files will be copied to the C:\OFFICE

Download and Apply Service Packs

  1. Download the Office Administrator Service Pack updates from Microsoft
  2. Extract it to a C:\UPDATE directory (again, this is only as an example)


  1. SR1 Download
    SP2 Download
  2. Extract the DATA1.EXE file to C:\UPDATE (data1.msp)
  3. Start / Run
  4. msiexec /a c:\office\data1.msi/p c:\update\data1.msp SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb
    msiexec /a c:\office\data1.msi /p c:\update\Sp2admin.msp SHORTFILENAMES=1
  5. Repeat for any additional extracted msp files

Outlook2000 Security Update

  1. Outlook2000 Security Download
  2. Extract the three MSP file to the Update directory
  3. Start / Run
  4. msiexec /a c:\office\Data1.msi /p C:\Update\OQFE7082_Client.msp SHORTFILENAMES=1
    msiexec /a c:\office\Data1.msi /p C:\Update\OQFE7140_Client.msp SHORTFILENAMES=1
    msiexec /a c:\office\Data1.msi /p C:\Update\OQFE7160_Client.msp SHORTFILENAMES=1


  1. SP1 Download
    SP2 Download
  2. Extract the files to the Update directory
  3. Start / Run
  4. msiexec /p c:\update\MAINSP1_Admin.msp /a c:\office\your.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE
    (where your.msi file is the actual one depending on the version of OfficeXP (PROPLUS.MSI, SBERET.MSI)
  5. Repeat for any additional extracted msp files

All you need to to is create a new CD with the updated source files and use this for future installations.

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