Thursday, February 21, 2008

Expanding Full Path or File Name

NT 4.0 Only

Expand full path/file name with defined char using Command Prompt in Win NT 4.0

You can expand the full name of a file or directory using a character of your choice.

  1. Close all Command Prompts
  2. Start the Registory Editor
  3. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
  4. If not present, add Key: CompletionChar
  5. If you like to use TAB-Key for expand: set value (REG_SZ): "9"

You can test it:

  1. Open up a DOS window
  2. Type: CD (followed by TAB)
  3. The first available directory will appear
  4. Press TAB again, the next one will appear
  5. The same can be done with the DIR command

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