The Internet Jumpstart Kit that comes with the Plus! Pack allows you to script your
Dial-Up Connections- Open up Programs / Accessories / Dial-Up Scripting Tool.
- Select the provider (if you have more than one).
- Type in the name of the script (end with .scp).
- Click on the Edit Button. This will bring up Notepad.
- Type in your script. A sample one follows:
proc main
waitfor "login:"
transmit "your_login_name^M"
waitfor "password:"
transmit "your_password^M"
waitfor "TERM = (vt100)"
transmit "^M"
waitfor "your_logon_prompt"
transmit "ppp^M" ; My provider requires "ppp" to be typed in.
- Remember to turn off Bring up terminal window after dialing.
- You can initially have Step through script turned on for debugging.
- When it is correct, check Start terminal screen minimized.
- For a complete listing of all the scripting options,
read SCRIPT.DOC in the \Programs\Plus! directory.
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