Friday, February 22, 2008

Dial-Up Scripting

The Internet Jumpstart Kit that comes with the Plus! Pack allows you to script your Dial-Up Connections
  1. Open up Programs / Accessories / Dial-Up Scripting Tool.
  2. Select the provider (if you have more than one).
  3. Type in the name of the script (end with .scp).
  4. Click on the Edit Button. This will bring up Notepad.

  5. Type in your script. A sample one follows:

    proc main

    waitfor "login:"
    transmit "your_login_name^M"

    waitfor "password:"
    transmit "your_password^M"

    waitfor "TERM = (vt100)"
    transmit "^M"

    waitfor "your_logon_prompt"
    transmit "ppp^M" ; My provider requires "ppp" to be typed in.

  • Remember to turn off Bring up terminal window after dialing.
  • You can initially have Step through script turned on for debugging.
  • When it is correct, check Start terminal screen minimized.
  • For a complete listing of all the scripting options,
    read SCRIPT.DOC in the \Programs\Plus! directory.

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