Friday, February 22, 2008

Automatic NT Domain Logon

When you need to logon to an NT Domain, Windows95 prompts you for you User ID, Password, and Domain Name

To have Windows95 automatically log you on:

  1. Make sure Password Caching is Enabled, No Minimum Password Length has been set, and User Profiles is not enabled
  2. Open the Control Panel
  3. Double click on the Network icon
  4. Change the Primary Network Logon to Windows Logon
  5. Click on the OK button
  6. Do not restart the computer when prompted
  7. Double click on the Passwords icon
  8. Click on the Change Windows Password button
  9. Do not check the Microsoft Network box
  10. Type in your old password and nothing for the new and confirmation password
  11. Click on the OK button
  12. Restart Windows95
  13. Don't type any password for your Windows password. This is what you just set it for.
  14. When the Domain Login screen comes up, check Save this password in your password list
  15. The next time you start Windows95, you will be automatically logged into your NT Domain.

NOTE: This bypasses the security that logging into an NT Domain is used to provide.
Do not use in areas where security is critical.

You can also download the new Tweak from Microsoft which will also allow you to do the same function.
This will work for Windows95 as well as NT 4.0

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