Thursday, February 21, 2008

Adding the Desktop to your Start Menu

Create a shortcut to the Explorer on your Desktop
  1. Right click on the Start button
  2. Choose Open
  3. Go into the Programs Folder
  4. Drag the Windows Explorer Icon on your Desktop using the RIGHT Mouse button
  5. Choose copy here

Change the command line switch

  1. Right click on the Shortcut you created
  2. Choose Properties
  3. Choose Shortcut
  4. Type in following command line as target:
    • C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE /n, /root,
    • The last "," is vital!
  5. If you want the two pane Explorer view ad the switch ,/e
  6. Then rename the Shortcut to "Desktop" or whatever you choose and drag the icon onto the start button.

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