Thursday, February 21, 2008

Adding AnyFolder and Mail to SendTo

Previous examples of adding items to the SendTo usually require editing the Registry.

An easy way around this is to use the following methods.


  1. Open the Explorer
  2. Go to \Windows\SendTo
  3. Right click in the right hand panel
  4. Select New / Text Document
  5. Name it anything with a .otherfolder extension

When you want to send files to another folder:

  1. Select the files with Explorer
  2. Right Click
  3. Select Send to and the name you just created
  4. You them have the option of copying or moving the file to a folder of your choice

To add Mail:

  1. Open the Explorer
  2. Go to \Windows\SendTo
  3. Right click in the right hand panel
  4. Select New / Text Document
  5. Name it anything with a .MapiMail extension (ignore any warnings about the file extension)

When you want to Mail files as attachments:

  1. Select the files with Explorer
  2. Right Click
  3. Select Send to and the Mail name you just created
  4. This allows you to easily mail multiple files

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